Treatment of Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism: How To Stop Drinking

Reach out to a treatment provider for free today, to learn about detox facilities, and inpatient or outpatient rehabs that are available to you. Alcohol use disorder (AUD), commonly referred to as alcoholism or alcohol addiction, does not follow the same course for everyone. Although it can be a life-long recovery journey for some, we now know people can successfully recover with varying levels of support and treatment.

Why is an Alcohol Addiction Rehab Program Important to Recovery?

Understanding the available treatment options—from behavioral therapies and medications to mutual-support groups—is the first step. The important thing is to remain engaged in whatever method you choose. Caring for a person who has problems with alcohol can be very stressful. It is important that as you try to help your loved one, you find a way to take care of yourself as well.

Alcohol-Induced Hepatitis

When people enter treatment, addiction has often caused serious consequences in their lives, possibly disrupting their health and how they function in their family lives, at work, and in the community. Though at-risk and binge drinking can result in a range of adverse consequences, not all people who engage in these kinds of unhealthy alcohol use have Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House alcohol use disorder. With these and other treatments and therapies, alcoholism can be managed throughout a person’s life, decreasing the chances of relapse and improving the person’s quality of life. In recovery, the person’s relationships with others can be improved as they maintain the ability to keep up with daily responsibilities and activities.

Ways to Prevent Relapse

  • That said, there are four general stages of recovery, as compiled by addiction expert Steven M. Melemis, MD.
  • Remember that your loved one is ultimately responsible for managing his or her illness.
  • After the initial encounters, the young man learned to pop open a beer every time he felt unease at a party, and the teenage girl learned to pour herself a glass whenever sadness arose in her chest.
  • Thankfully, many health insurance providers have plans that help cover the expenses of addiction treatment.
  • People who are willing to take that important first step will find there is a lot of help available, which is all designed to help them achieve a successful recovery.
  • A detoxification usually requires a small stay in a hospital or rehabilitation center, although alcoholics who are considered low-risk may be considered for an outpatient detoxification.

Since light cues regulate the sleep and wake cycle, natural sunlight can help you adjust to a new schedule in a different time zone. Sunlight is the most powerful environmental tool to help you become more awake in the morning and earlier in the day. For example, traveling from California to New York (three time zones apart) would mean being physically located in New York with a circadian rhythm set to California, three hours behind.

can alcoholism be cured

  • Although your participation in the process can be vitally important, you also need to take care of yourself.
  • Alcohol-induced hepatitis is inflammation of the liver caused by alcohol use.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved three medications for treating alcohol dependence, and others are being tested to determine whether they are effective.
  • Understanding the available treatment options—from behavioral therapies and medications to mutual-support groups—is the first step.
  • Rather than a cure, we have recovery programs designed to maintain sobriety and remove symptoms of the disease.
  • It can make it difficult to fall or stay asleep, wake up in the morning, and feel rested during the day.

Can People With Alcohol Use Disorder Recover?

  • Liver inflammation is usually treated with corticosteroids, and antibiotics are prescribed if there is a bacterial infection.
  • In general, people who were assigned male at birth (AMAB) can tolerate more alcohol than those who were assigned female at birth (AFAB).
  • Alcoholic hepatitis occurs when the liver becomes damaged and inflamed.
  • According to the expectancy theory, we make choices based on the expected outcome of our actions.
  • Working to stop alcohol use to improve quality of life is the main treatment goal.

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